About us


The Woman’s Exchange is one of the longest-running non-profits in Memphis. Our Mission is not about hand-outs. It’s about “helping others to help themselves.”

The Woman’s Exchange began in a time when single women had essentially no options to earn a decent living. To this day, we provide a way for seamstresses, crafters, artisans, and consignors to provide for their families. The Woman’s Exchange movement began in Philadelphia in 1832 as an effort to help women gain financial security by providing an opportunity to sell their handiwork on consignment in a retail environment.
The Woman’s Exchange in Memphis was founded in 1885 and newspaper accounts published in 1885-1900 commend its value to the community. Today, the Exchange continues the tradition of ”helping others to help themselves” by showing and selling the handiwork of hundreds of local consignors and employing highly skilled local seamstresses to make the signature infant and children’s clothing for which the Woman’s Exchange has become famous.
The Woman’s Exchange operates with a 96% volunteer staff of over 250 members. We welcome women of the community to join our organization, which is one of Memphis’ longest continually operating non-profits.